Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Effective Time Managements for Students

Time is money .It is an essential resource; it is irrecoverable, Limited and dynamic. Time management refers to a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well as managing time for study.

Attributes of Time

• Time is most scarce resource in the universe
• Time cannot be accumulated like money
• Time cannot be turned on and off like Machine
• Time cannot be stock piled like raw materials
• Time passes at a pre-determined rate whatever happens
• Everybody is equally endowed with the same amount of it irrespective of his position.

Time Management Techniques for Students:

  1. Study difficult or boring subjects first.
  2. Be aware of best time of day—study when one will be alert.
  3. Use waiting time (study note cards while on the bus or standing in line)
  4. Use a regular study area or a library.
  5. Pay attention to attention—are you focusing?
  6. Get ready the night before
  7. Notice how misuse of time occurs and change habits accordingly.
  8. Agree with roommates or family members about study time.
  9. If a task seems hard, get started. Half the battle is beginning.
  10. Schedule time for errands, and for fun.
  11. Start projects early rather than waiting until the last minute.
  12. Allow flexibility in schedule.
Principles for Effective Time Management for Students:

The first step to good time management is to prioritize your tasks. To prioritize successfully one must develop weekly and long-term time management plans. One should develop a habit of minting weekly planner. This will help work out how many hours a week actually one have for study. This will allow the time space for unexpected works too. Student should create the list “to do” which is due soon and “not to do” which is not due soon. At the end of a specific periods. It is important for every responsible student to take evaluation of actual results of his / her actions and compare same with plans.

There are established habits and activities that affect the effective utilization of time. It should be avoided .Some of them are listed below.

  1. Visitors
  2. Procrastination
  3. Unnecessary meetings with peers
  4. Gossip
  5. Indiscipline
  6. Duplications of tasks
  7. Energy
  8. Handling more than one tasks / project
  9. Wrong Decisions
  10. Unproductive time of telephone/ mobile
Tips to avoid these activities and habits which affect the efficient utilization of time.

  • Get off the phone!
  • Notice how others distract you.
  • Agree with housemates or family about your study time.
  • Stay off the Internet.
  • Learn to say no!
  • Hang a “Do Not Disturb!” sign on your door.
  • Ask “How did I just waste time?”
  • Ask “Would I pay myself for what I’m doing right now?”
  • Congratulate yourself for the work you have achieved.
Good time management is essential to success at graduation and post graduation level. Planning time allows spreading study over a session, avoiding a ‘traffic jam’ of study, and coping with study stress. Effective time management will improve study productivity, make scheduling of work easier on priority basis, use of skills at highest level and accomplish important task, record and guide the students towards achieving set goals.

Ms. Shruti Minocha
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies

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