Smart Dust the future of IOT
Smart Dust is combination of tiny
wireless sensors of few millimeter in size. These tiny sensors are deployed in
the air and they are very hard to detect. The tiny sensors works in the group
of hundreds or more to monitor light, magnetism , temperature, vibration, and
chemicals. They work on radio frequency identification technology. Smart Dust is emerging as the future of IOT
because the general principle of IOT is to use sensors everywhere to monitor
and transmit the data back to the database or computation center for analysis.
The drawback in IOT is that sensors
have to be place on different areas and
these sensors are traditional sensors which require external power
backup and are big in size. Further it is difficult to place traditional
sensors inside pipelines, unreachable places or where secrecy is required. In future this may not be an issue as smart
dust can be used anywhere. The proposal of Smart Dust was introduced in 1992 at
DARPA for military applications. The proposal was to build wireless sensor
nodes with a volume of one cubic millimeter.
Components of Smart Dust
- Different type of Sensors
- Optical Transmission for device to device communication and device to base station communication
- Signal Processing unit and control circuitry
- Power source in form of solar cells.
- TinyOS for working with low power sensors. The alternate to TinyOS is Ardunio which can be used to control hardware. The advantage with TinyOS is that it is designed specially to work low power sensors over the wireless communication.
A single smart dust is called mote.
A single smart dust mote consist of above mentioned components. The challenge
with smart dust is to package all the components into one single entity. While
advancement in the field of digital circuitry and wireless communication would
made smart dust a successful technology in near future in the field of military
applications, healthcare, agriculture sector and forest protection.
Mr. Vijay Gupta
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
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