In computing,
virtualization means to craft a virtual version of
a device or
resource, such as a server, storage
device, network or
even an operating
system where the structure divides the resource into one or
more execution environs.
Even something as simple as segregating a hard drive is measured virtualization
because you take one drive and partition it to generate
two separate hard drives. Devices, applications and human users are able to
interact with the virtual resource as if it were a real single logical resource. The
term virtualization has become somewhat of a buzzword, and as a result
the term is now associated with a number of computing technologies including
the following:
- Storage virtualization
- OS
- network
The management of storage
and data is becoming challenging and time overshadowing. Storage virtualization
is the process of grouping the physical storage from multiple network storage
devices so that it appears like a sole storage device.
The process involves abstracting and covering the internal functions of
a storage device from the host application, host servers or a general network
in order to ease the application and network-independent management of storage.
Storage virtualization is also well-known as cloud storage.
Storage virtualization can be instigated by using software applications
or appliances. There are three important reasons to implement storage
- Improved storage management in a
heterogeneous IT environment
- Better availability and estimation of
down time with automated management
- Better storage utilization
Operating System Virtualization
Operating system
virtualization (OS virtualization) is a server virtualization technology that comprises adapting
a standard operating system so that it can run diverse applications controlled
by multiple users on a single computer at a time. The operating systems do not obstruct
with each other even though they are on the similar computer.
Operating system virtualization delivers application-transparent virtualization to users by decoupling applications from the OS. The OS virtualization technique offers granulated control at the application level by enabling the transparent migration of discrete applications. The finer granularity migration offers superior flexibility, ensuing in reduced overhead.
OS virtualization can also be used for migrating critical applications to another running operating system instance. Patches and updates to the underlying operating system are done in a timely way, and have slight or no effect on the accessibility of application services. The processes in the OS virtualized environment are secluded and their interactions with the underlying OS instance are supervised.
Operating system virtualization delivers application-transparent virtualization to users by decoupling applications from the OS. The OS virtualization technique offers granulated control at the application level by enabling the transparent migration of discrete applications. The finer granularity migration offers superior flexibility, ensuing in reduced overhead.
OS virtualization can also be used for migrating critical applications to another running operating system instance. Patches and updates to the underlying operating system are done in a timely way, and have slight or no effect on the accessibility of application services. The processes in the OS virtualized environment are secluded and their interactions with the underlying OS instance are supervised.
Network Virtualization
virtualization denotes to the management and monitoring of a complete computer
network as a sole administrative entity from a single software-based
administrator’s console. Network virtualization also may comprise storage
virtualization, which includes managing all storage as an only resource. Network
virtualization is intended to permit network optimization of data transfer
rates, scalability, flexibility, security and reliability. It mechanises many
network administrative tasks, which actually camouflage a network's true
complexity. All network servers and services are measured one pool of
resources, which may be used without concern to the physical components.
Network virtualization is especially convenient for networks undergoing a rapid, large and unpredictable surge in usage.
Network virtualization is especially convenient for networks undergoing a rapid, large and unpredictable surge in usage.
The intended
result of network virtualization is improved network productivity and
efficiency, as well as job satisfaction for the network administrator.
Ms. Garima Verma
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Information Technology
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