The emerging new influencer
community is wielding significant power over the perceptions of brand and
companies, largely driven by the expansion of social media channels through
which influencer communicate. The “Nobodies” of the past are now the new
“Somebodies” demanding the attention of communication professionals who seek
continuous engagement with targeted consumers throughout the various channels
of the social web.
For mostpeople, social networking
sites like Facebook and Twitter are harmless platforms .Platforms that allow
for social interaction and personal expression. For other, social media has
become more than an entertaining form of engagement; it has become an
increasing compulsion. The question is that –Can a person really become
addicted to social media?
Addictions are after all about
feeding an urge, and one of the greatest human urge is the yearning to feel connected
and a part of something larger. Nothing satisfies this particular urge like logging
on and being social with the masses at any hour of the day or night. Social
networks are massively addictive. Most people I know check and interact on
social sites constantly throughout the day. And they have no idea how much
actual time they are spending on social sites. Desires for social media are
difficult to control because giving in to these social urges seems far less harmful
than giving into drugs. Being online is easier for people who suffer from
self-esteem issues, and within this group, an addiction to sites like Facebook
and twitter is much more formed.
Are you guilty of checking your Facebook
account before you get out of bed in morning? Do you tweet while on a romantic
first date? You may think your own social media habits are harmless, but how do
you know if you’ve crossed the line into an addiction? One way to check
yourself is to evaluate your feelings about social media. For instance, when
you don’t have access to it, say while on vacation or at an event such as
wedding, do you feel anxious and can think of little besides what you’re
missing online? Would it be an accurate statement to say that social media
brings you the most pleasure in your life? If you answered ‘Yes’ to these
question, then it might be time to address your relationship with social media.
If you are a social media addict, and your addiction is getting worse, there’s
a reason for that, most of the major network companies, as well social content creators,
are working very hard to make their networks so addictive that we can’t resist
them. When we think of addiction, the picture that normally comes to mind is
that of a gaunt man or woman, huddles in a corner, trying desperately to get
his/her next fix of heroin. But addiction isn’t just about substance abuse. If
a person engages in an activity to a put where it comes compulsive and
interferes with ordinary life, then as per Psychology today, that too counts as
an addiction. One trick social networks use is a notification number showing
the number of people at a glance who have mentioned or followed you.
Notification number work just like that- Seeing a red “3” on Facebook
notification bar is like a click bait headline “You won’t believe what three
people said about you”. You’ve get to click. And over time it becomes
One of the best things you can do
to reign in your addiction is to keep track of how exactly how much time you
spend on sites like Facebook and twitter. The best idea is to schedule your
social media time and stick to that schedule no matter what. Close down your
web browsers and remove application that could tempt you.
Use a good old-fashioned alarm clock so that your phone doesn’t linger
by your side and keep you from precious hours of sleep.Remember, you must be
your own gatekeeper and make sure you regretting the important tasks accomplished
every day.
But there comes a plus side too.
The flip side of social media addiction can have positive effect on your
marketing strategies once you know exactly how your own customers use social
site. Most importantly, always acknowledge and abide by social media ‘golden
rule’- Never sell to your market. Instead engage with them and serve them . There is no doubt that social media
will continue to shape the way we live and conduct our business online. In the
midst of this, it is wise to remember that little goes a long way and sometimes
you can have too much of a good thing. In the world of social networking,Facebook
benefits most from network effect. Facebook happened to be at top social
network when social networking busted out as a mainstream activity. Now
everybody’s on Facebook because everybody’s on Facebook. And even people who
don’t like the social network use it anyway, because that’s where their family, friends
and colleagues are – and because of addiction. Social selling is another recent phenomenon as a
case in point. Those in sales are increasingly turning to social media as a
means to create and nurture new leads and are encouraged to build a presence
and sense of thought leadership
I don’t want to suggest that we
can all go back to an age before computers. Yes Facebook can be great for
catching up with your friends and family. Yes Twitter can be fun and amusing.
The only part is that you have to know what you’re dealing with. Social media
is the equivalent of candy for the brain. Yes it’s good to get a sugar rush
once in a while. But if you do nothing, but live on chocolate doughnuts, you’re
going to be too healthy.
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
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