Thursday, 22 November 2018

Improving Blog/Website ranking through use of SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a crucial aspect for marketing your website or blog. Wikipedia defines SEO as, ‘the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results.’ Simply put, SEO can help a website or blog become more visible to people and rank high on the search engines like Google, Bing or Ask.
Research proves that around 50% of Google’s search Engines clicks are on the first or the second search result. If your website or blog is not among the first five search results on the search page, you will struggle to increase traffic on your blog. Thus it is important to apply these three most important tricks to improve your website’s SEO.

1.      Focus on Quality Content:
Always provide relevant content on your website or blog for the Search Engine user. Good and relevant content equals a popular website. For example, you search for places to visit near New Delhi.  Google will put in everything to find the most relevant and quality content andmay come up with a blog post that segregates “Top 10 places under 300 kms from New Delhi” instead of something that resembles more of a Geography lesson around New Delhi. Focus on producing quality content that is relevant, crisp and error free.

2.      Use Keywords:
Keywords are the word or set of words that your audience will type in the search engines to find exactly what he or she is looking for. Thus, an excellent website or blog should have the right number of great and most relevant keywords. Before writing content, it becomes important to do a keyword research.These keywords should definitely be added in the title of your blog and throughout the blog post.In the above mentioned example, a keywords are – top, New Delhi, places, near etc.
The more relevant your keywords are in your blog, the higher the chances are for your blog to rank upwards in the Google Ranking system.

3.   Add Backlinks:
Backlinks are links to your blog embedded or placed openly in other blog posts or articles that redirect to your blog. While backlinks are important, they are not everything. They are at most a part of the whole SEO system.
While generating a lot of links are good, quality links matter the most. Building quality backlinks are all about going out there and providing some value in exchange of a good backlink. There is a tendency of people to wait for others to include their links into their posts, which is very wrong. You cannot expect someone to put your link into their blog without expecting something in return. You need to ask them to put your links on their blog.
Backlinks are seen very positively by the Search Engine, and apart from improving your blog rank, backlinks work as an excellent way to increase traffic to your blog when used in proper context.

      Ms. Chhavi Bakaria 
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies

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