Thursday, 22 November 2018


Fog computing is a term invented by Cisco. It is extension of cloud computing which provides cloud services to the edge of a network. Fog computing is also known as Edge Computing or fogging. Fog computing provides computing, storage and networking services between end devices and cloud computing data centers.
The areas of concerns in cloud computing architecture are high latency and QoS (Quality of Service). The goal of fogging is to improve efficiency and reduce latency time. It also reduces the amount of data to be transported to the cloud for processing, analysis and storage. It not only improves efficiency but it may also be used for security and compliance reasons.
The metaphor fog comes from the meteorological term for a cloud close to the ground, just as fog concentrates on the edge of the network.The OpenFog Consortium was founded in November 2015 by members from Cisco, Dell, Intel, Microsoft, ARM and Princeton University. Its mission is to develop an open reference architecture and convey the business value of fog computing.
Thedata is generated and collected by edge devices and sensorsin the network. They don't have the compute and storage resources to perform advanced analytics and machine-learning tasks. The servers at cloud with high storage capacity have the power to do computation, but they are often too far away to process the data and respond in a timely manner.  It increases latency time as well as degrades overall performance of the network.In addition to this, having sending raw data to the cloud over the internet can have privacy, security and legal implications.
In a fog environment, the processing takes place on a smart device, or in a smart router or gateway, thus reducing the amount of data sent to the cloud. It is important to note that fog networking complements not replaces cloud computing. Fogging allows for short-term analytics at the edge, and the cloud performs resource-intensive, longer-term analytics.
The major area of application of Fog computing is IoT. Because For many IoT applications where cloud computing is not feasible, fog computing can be used. Fog computing addresses the needs of IoT and industrial IoT. The smart sensors and IoT devices generateimmense amount of data. It would be costly and time-consuming to send this huge amount of data to the cloud for processing and analysis. Fog computing reduces the bandwidth requirement and reduces the back-and-forth communication between sensors and the cloud which can negatively affect IoT performance. Fog computing is very effective in the adhoc network environment with intermittent connectivity and low bandwidth medium.

Pros and Cons
Reduces amount of data sent to the cloud
Physical location takes anytime,anywhere, anydata benefit of the cloud
Conserves network bandwidth
Security issues: IP address spoofing
Improves system response time
Privacy issues
Supports mobility
Trust and authentication concerns
Minimizes network and Internet latency
Wireless network security concerns

Ms. Nisha Wadhawan 
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies

Forgiveness is the best medicine

The main reason as to why do we carry excessive psychological baggage throughout our lives is that we tend to not forgive others and hold grudges for long.

The pertinent question is: What stops us?

And there is only one answer to that question and that is: Our EGO (And EGO is the false self image made over the number of years).

But the thing is,when we forgive, who is benefitted, is it the forgiver or the forgiven? It is Both, as the stress carried in the mind of the forgiver for so many years has been wiped clean and there is an issuance of positive vibes resulting henceforth.

It results in Positive Wellbeing, peace and also in restoring mental balance, So therefore it is propagated that one must adopt the practice of Forgiving quickly, without dragging the things for long. And that will ease of lot of pain, particularly caused due to miscommunication and misunderstanding.

                                                  (Source: Author)

And forgiveness is not only to be practiced by not only individuals but also by nations at the macro level.

The Nations must forgive each other and move forward to a level of better understanding and world peace.

Practicing forgiveness will lead a psychological well-being and lot of de-stressing.


Highlighting one of the method of forgiveness is the technique of HO'OPONOPONO, popularized by Dr. Hew Len in treating the prisoners in a hospital by never ever visiting them.

The method is extremely useful in cleaning the bad memories in the subconscious and therefore it results in clarity and peace for oneself.

How to practice HO'OPONOPONO:

Setting the stage by accepting 100% responsibility for the current situation.

The practice can be started by repeating the following in the sequence.

STEP 1-I love you

STEP 2-I am sorry

STEP 3-Please forgive me

STEP 4-Thank you

The above method was followed by Dr. Hew Len in treating the prisoners and the real case study was mentioned in the bestselling book(2007), Zero Limits by Dr.Joe Vitale.

So the basic message is one can follow any method of practicing forgiveness as one desires but the ultimate objective is to have peace of mind which gets disturbed due to haunting past memories.

Mr. Vipul Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies

Social Pressure

Man is a social animal and we learn most of the things from our surrounding. Society, friends, colleges have a great influence on our behaviour. At times this influence becomes so deep that this starts exerting pressure on us. This pressure commonly known as peer pressure or social pressure can be a positive one or a negative one.  As long as an individual can sustain it, it adds to growth of the individual but the time when it gets out of control it starts creating problems.
Social pressure is when an individual wants to get well accepted to the group and hence group norms. There is no fixed age at which an individual gets into the trap of this pressure i.e from children to oldies anyone can fall victim to this pressure. Adults by virtue of age and experience are in better position to handle this pressure but our younger generation specially the adolescent or a teen are not mentally grown to handle this pressure and hence the chances go getting indulge in harmful actives are high. In these situation individuals often lose the sense of right or wrong and hence peers becomes a great source of influence. The impact of this influence can be visible withrespect totheir style, taste, appearance, ideology, and values.
Social pressure is not always negative, I have seen this working as a magic for few. If we get aspired by a group that has got better values, performance, ideology or acceptancein the society then this group influence people to have better ideology and behaviour. This leads  to improvement inperformance that can be in academics, higher affiliation with parents,  participation in co- curricular activities like sports, dramatics, singing, etc.
Negative social pressure is something that is of great concern. This is an outcome of either getting into a wrong group or having an affiliation for something that negatively perceived. Outcome of negative social pressure can be disastrous. Person can alienate from the family i.e start avoiding parents, disinterested in studies, wrong habits like indulgence in smoking, alcohol, drugs and other violent activities. If such negative social pressure is not taken care of on time then the life of the person can be ruined. This becomes a cause of major psychological and behavioural disorders.

There are four possible responses to peer pressure:
  • Compliance – When we do not agree with group opinion or actions but, gets along with it.
  • Conversion – When we convert our thoughts and ideologies to confirm with the group.
  • Congruence – when we agreeing with the opinion/action of the group from the onset.
  • Non-Conformity – Either remaining independent (e.g., not succumbing to group pressure and maintaining personal opinion), or anti-conformity (purposefully expressing opinions or actions contrary to the status quo).
So, it depends on every individual as to how they will react to this pressure. One should consider society and its norms but certainly not at the cost of one’s happiness or life...

Ms. Anu Bhardwaj
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies
Improving Blog/Website ranking through use of SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a crucial aspect for marketing your website or blog. Wikipedia defines SEO as, ‘the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results.’ Simply put, SEO can help a website or blog become more visible to people and rank high on the search engines like Google, Bing or Ask.
Research proves that around 50% of Google’s search Engines clicks are on the first or the second search result. If your website or blog is not among the first five search results on the search page, you will struggle to increase traffic on your blog. Thus it is important to apply these three most important tricks to improve your website’s SEO.

1.      Focus on Quality Content:
Always provide relevant content on your website or blog for the Search Engine user. Good and relevant content equals a popular website. For example, you search for places to visit near New Delhi.  Google will put in everything to find the most relevant and quality content andmay come up with a blog post that segregates “Top 10 places under 300 kms from New Delhi” instead of something that resembles more of a Geography lesson around New Delhi. Focus on producing quality content that is relevant, crisp and error free.

2.      Use Keywords:
Keywords are the word or set of words that your audience will type in the search engines to find exactly what he or she is looking for. Thus, an excellent website or blog should have the right number of great and most relevant keywords. Before writing content, it becomes important to do a keyword research.These keywords should definitely be added in the title of your blog and throughout the blog post.In the above mentioned example, a keywords are – top, New Delhi, places, near etc.
The more relevant your keywords are in your blog, the higher the chances are for your blog to rank upwards in the Google Ranking system.

3.   Add Backlinks:
Backlinks are links to your blog embedded or placed openly in other blog posts or articles that redirect to your blog. While backlinks are important, they are not everything. They are at most a part of the whole SEO system.
While generating a lot of links are good, quality links matter the most. Building quality backlinks are all about going out there and providing some value in exchange of a good backlink. There is a tendency of people to wait for others to include their links into their posts, which is very wrong. You cannot expect someone to put your link into their blog without expecting something in return. You need to ask them to put your links on their blog.
Backlinks are seen very positively by the Search Engine, and apart from improving your blog rank, backlinks work as an excellent way to increase traffic to your blog when used in proper context.

      Ms. Chhavi Bakaria 
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies

Digital Milieu: The Changing Trends in Advertising

With the ongoing advancements and adoption of technologies along with the better penetration of internet, media landscape has been witnessing a tremendous change. In today’s scenario, media companies are investing huge amount of money in non-traditional media delivery options, start-ups are innovating and redefining how the content industry works. The consumers are also demanding and expecting access to content on any device at any time; the content not only includes media and entertainment content, but also corporate, social, marketing and personal media. Thus, a tectonic shift is happening in the media and content world that are going to irreversibly reshape how companies and consumers create, display, view and consume content.
This changing trend and the increasing competitiveness require the media giants, entrepreneurs and the start-ups to come up with user generated content to engage the viewers on digital platforms so that the traffic may increase on their apps or websites. This struggle is witnessed almost a similar one to that of getting TRPs of a channel which will eventually lead them to the revenue generation. The other areas that seems to be profitable for these entrepreneurs is that they can easily focus on brand awareness, market segmentation, customer satisfaction, consumer needs etc.
Trends in Digital Advertising)

 1) Video Advertising: The consumption of video content is increasing. It has been found that consumers are spending more time in watching videos. Considering its impact, they have found to be more impact ful in generating leads and conversions in e-Commerce industry.

 2)  Mobile Advertising: Researches have found that the consumption of Internet is more through mobile rather than desktops. Formulating marketing strategies towards mobile devices and smart phones is an absolute must. In 2018, over two-thirds of people have been using mobile devices for their everyday online usage. Therefore, sellers are trying to pitch the customers through mobile advertising.

3)  Personalization in Digital Content: Personalizing the digital content increases the opening rate of messages. This trend is widely being followed in Email Marketing and SMS Marketing. Organizations, these days, are working to build online experiences that provide engaging content, while remaining customized for each experience on an individual scale.

      4)  Interest Based Targeting: Digital platforms give opportunity to target the audiences based upon their interest, gender and demography. Organizations get the chance to bring together persons sharing the same interests known as affinity groups.

5)  Customized Budgeting: Digital Platforms provide opportunities to the organizations to set up their budget in a customized manner. They can set the budget on the basis of timings, geography and interest.

      Ms. Shruti Chopra Joshi
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Blockchain Technology and the Future of Financial Systems

Blockchains are new technology layers that rewire the Internet and undermine to avoid more seasoned heritage structures. Trust lies at the center texture of the blockchain organizer which can possibly evacuate intermediaries and disturb their current working models. This progressive and basic convention enables transactions to be at the same time and safely kept up using a decentralized open or private record. 

Blockchain structure can for all intents and purposes record everything of value and will challenge and disrupt present incorporated plans of action and the financial sector.

The present financial framework is complex and that leads to potential risks. Another decentralized blockchain financial framework made conceivable with the utilization of digital currencies (Bitcoin, Ether, future Crypto $ | £ | €) could be significantly less difficult by evacuating layers of intermediation. This could help build collaboration amongst banks and etch trust and respectability at the center of the new blockchain financial framework. Moreover, the chance to decrease system risk will rise by moving towards a carefully designed decentralized public/private ledgers where a single version of the truth will triumph.

By moving money in various ways could open up the likelihood for various sorts of financial products. We could see monetary consideration expanding over the world because of the new blockchain financial framework. New computerized monetary forms will connect people who are at present avoided to the new financial system, lower barriers to entry and enable greater competition.

It has been widely acknowledged that blockchain offers an opportunity to reduce costs, to improve efficiency, to reduce risks and, overall, to provide a better customer service, which ultimately is what financial services need to be all about.

Ms. Smriti Dua
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies