Credit rating system plays a vital role in the life of the company as
well as in investors. In case of the company , it helps in arranging the source
of finance in the capital market and in case of investors it gives protection
to the investors against risk by indicating the credit worthiness of the
borrower . Fair and good credit ratings motivate the public to invest their
savings. Credit rating can be defined as the credit threat linked with the financial instrument or body.
In other words, credit rating can also be defined as the opinion about the
credit quality of the financial instrument/ entity. Under this the credit
rating agencies give the rating to the entity based on their testimonials and
the extent to which their past borrowings and lending mentioned in their
financial statements are reliable.

or selling of securities is not recommended by the credit rating agencies. It is
related with an act of assigning values by estimating worth or reputation of
solvency, and honesty so as to repose the trust in person’s ability and
intention to repay.
ratings assigned are generally regarded in the investment community as an
objective evaluation of the probability that a borrower will default on a given
security issue. Default occurs whenever a security issuer is late in making one
or more payments that it is legally obligated to make.
If , we
talk about the bonds, the situation is different. The bond is lawfully in
default if, it fails to pay the interest and the principal amount in time.
Sometimes the companies repay back to the bond holders otherwise companies are declares as insolvent.
kinds of credit ratings
Some of
the different types of credit rating are mentioned below:
- Bond or debenture rating agencies which do the rating of debentures and bonds issued by government or corporate.
- Equity rating agencies which do the rating of the equity shares issued by companies.
- Preference share rating agencies which do the rating of the preference shares issued by companies.
- Commercial paper rating agencies which do the rating of the commercial papers which are issued by manufacturing companies, finance companies, banks and financial institutions
- Fixed deposits rating agencies which do the rating of medium term unsecured borrowings
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