Tuesday, 13 March 2018



Living in the digital world, it becomes important to have website. A website is not just a source of information; rather, it makes your presence evitable in the digital world. And, most importantly, it helps in growing the business opportunities. The way it is important to have a website, similarly, it is also important to maintain the structure of the website. Its internal structure and the health of its internal structure are almost similar to the health of a human being; thus, it becomes important to take care of the health of a website.

Indicators that evaluates the health of a website:
Page Speed- Nobody likes a slow website, there should a speed test of a website that helps in analyzing the load speed of a website. It is important to have optimized speed so that visitors may stick to your website having a fast speed will also reduce the bounce rate of a website. The optimize speed of a page to load is 3s. There are different tools available free that tests the speed of a page. Some of these are as follow: Optimizing Images, Avoid Bad requests, Minify JavaScript, Leverage browser caching etc.

YSlow Scores- YSlow score analyses the reasons for low page speed of a website. One can significantly reduce the page loading times and improve the user experience by running the tool and implementing its checklist-style suggestions. Its testing is also happens to be free and open source. The optimize speed of a page to load is 3s.

Page load details- Time taken by a webpage to download and display the content is called page load time. User experience & engagement are the key performance areas which are to be given at most importance while designing a website. Increased duration of page load time will have an +madverse effect on business operations. Optimal page load time is 6.5 seconds.

Page Size: Page size is the block of stored memory. This affects the total amount of space and memory needed while the web page is running. This is also named as page weight. In other words, it is called an overall size of a web page. The optimal average Total Page Size is 2.88MB.

HTTP request: HTTP stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol”. It contains text, images, and multimedia that exist on that webpage. When a web browser (client) sends a request to the server for a file and, server provides a response is called Http request Http request can be reduced by combining files and CSS sprites. The average number of Requests is 87.

SEO: SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”. It is Process of sending repeated and measurable signals to search engines to verify whether the page is worth showing in Google index. SEO can be of great help to an organization business which has a web address, blogging or online stores to meet their business objectives and help business grow. SEO plays a vital role as users trust the organizations that have got a good presence over internet and organization during SEO comes under top categories by having its SEO done with keywords etc.

Ms. Shalu Tandon
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology

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