Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Sustainable  Development  of  India

India is the 7th largest country by area and 2nd densely populated country in the world. Demographic forecasts suggest that by 2025 when India’s population begins to approach a steady state, it may surpass that of China. 

In spite of several achievements to our credit since independence, the unabated growth of population are resulting to burgeoning unemployment and poverty.

Referring wealth as a net asset of a person less any liability, India is 7th amongst top 10 wealthiest countries of the world with total individual wealth of  USD 5600 billion next to USA(48900), China (17400), Japan (15100), UK (9200), Germany (9100) and France (6600) ahead of Canada (4700), Australia (4500) & Italy (4400) respectively in same units. It is imperative that the ranking of India is largely because of huge population. However, the economy of India will likely grow at 7.6 % in 2016-17 and improve further.

One of the prime movers for industrial& economic growth is electricity.
At present major energy demand is met from conventional non-environment friendly thermal power generated from limited fossil fuel & gas resources. Hydro-electric power though renewable but contributing slowly due long gestation period and affect the stability ofeco-system by deforestation for construction of dams, reservoirs, etc. leading to soil erosion, flood & other natural calamities..

In 2016, our Prime Minister has announced an ambitious plan to expand solar energy installations in several manifolds not only being a clean fuel eliminating green gas emission, but also due to availability of Sun in abundance almost throughout the year in major parts of the country.
To visualize this dream, number of steps are taken by Govt. agencies and Public / Private enterprises. Some states are imposing mandatory installation of solar power plants in Group housing societies, Commercial buildings, Educational institutes and Govt. & Private multistoried buildings. Besides, our fast growing Real estate sector which is second in employment generation next to agriculture sector can boost the dynamics of solar energy by adopting Roof top solar power installations. As such we must tap the utilization of solar energy to the maximum extent possible.

India has 2 largest Solar Power plants of the world one at Rewa, Madhya Pradesh (under construction) with capacity of 750 MW  and the other one operating at Kamuthi, Tamil Nadu having capacity of 648 MW . The 3rd largest unit is in California, USA with 550 MW capacity.

Prof. Pradip.K. Mukherjee
Associate Professor
Dept. of Management Studies

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