Monday, 24 October 2016

The role and influence of mass media in society

Media is the most powerful instrument in communicating to the masses. As we belong to the age of communication, sharing and exchange of information becomes vital. Mass media are vehicles for the transfer of ideas, concepts information to both general and specific audiences. Media is called the forum for public or people’s assembly. It plays the role of bridge between general people and government in times of different national need. Media not only provide people with news, information and ideas but also raise various issues on socio-economic-political matters. They also form public opinions and consciousness in different problems and issues and influence the mindset of people regarding that existing issue, event or situation.

With the advancement of digital technology, mass media have become quick, easy & powerful ways of communication, sharing, exchange and broadcasting news and views, disseminating ideas and messages and making information accessible anywhere in the world. The influence and impact of mass media is persistent in almost all the aspects of our life. Mass media have reflective control on people’s thinking, feelings, sensibilities sentiment, and their means of reactions. Thus, media can direct public to both positive in a constructive and negative in a destructive manner on various agendas. If the power of media is used optimistically it can do well to society and a country. But if the power is misused for any vested-interest then it can cause anarchy, great harm, and confusion in state and in the society. Media are so powerful, impactful and influential that people instantly suppose what they hear or watch on media. That is why famous Canadian theorist and media critic Marshall McLuhan said that “Media is the message”

The mass media are competent to facilitate short-term and long-term effects on audiences. Short-term purpose include exposing audience to creating awareness and knowledge; and enhancing audience thinking and help in changing their attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions of social norms. Long-term objectives include all of the aforesaid tasks, in addition to paying attention in reforming of apparent social norms, and maintenance of behavior change. Mass media performs three key functions: educating, helps in shaping public relations, and also advocating for a particular policy or point of view. So, we can state that Media not only communicate knowledge, but can be part of larger efforts to encourage and endorse actions having community efficacy.  Mass media assist leaders in setting an agenda on policy, shaping the debates about contentious or controversial issues, and gaining support for particular perspective.

Mass media play a significant role in today’s world of information and communication. It is up to us to draw advantage or disadvantage from media in order to appraise and judge the message of media. We need to be meticulous about dealing with mass media. Considering the far-reaching influence, the concerned authorities should use the media for the greater advantage of mankind.

Ms. Garima Malhotra
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies

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