Big Data: Future Predictions
data is voluminous and complex data sets which are difficult to deal with
traditional data-processing application software. There are five concepts associated with big data: volume, variety, velocity and,
the recently added, veracity and value. The challenges faced by big
data include capturing data, data storage, data
analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating, information privacy and data source.
The world's technological per-capita capacity
to store information has increased exponentially to a level that cannot be
easily understandable. Database management systems, statistics and software
packages have been finding it difficult to manage big data. Human beings created voluminous data in past couple of
years than in the entire history of human kind. Such an exponential increase in
big data has taken the world by storm and there are no inferences of slowing
down. And we have no idea what is coming in future?
With big data are coming many challenges
related to privacy and security of data and what are the up gradations in the
technology trends with the evolution of big data. There will be more demand for
people who can deal with data, who are data scientists. Mechanization would
increase and the jobs existing now will become obsolete, the jobs will revolve
around handling of big data and ethical violations related to big data. Machine
learning would be a top strategic trend. New and new ways would come up to
handle and analyze data. There will be increase in demand of algorithms instead
of software packages. There would be a shift in businesses in all terms: be it
production, service, and the ways to handle data. More and more research would
be conducted to develop analytical tools for handling of data. Businesses would
be basically focusing on predictive analytics.
With the advancement in big data would come
talent crunch and staffing function will be of great concern. There would be
more demand of experts and scientists in data management. Businesses
encompassing data will benefit in increase in productivity compared to the
businesses not involving data. ‘Fast data’ and ‘actionable data’ will replace
big data. The data analyzed from which some inferences can be drawn will be
more relied upon to fasten the process of decision making. Total revenues from
big data, big data analytics and tools related to the same will rise.
Investments in big data technologies will touch the sky. The role of developers
will also change. Their role would be in inventing technologies and
applications that can play around with the big data.
What I see in the future is, big data is going
to get bigger and bigger and businesses ignoring it will be left behind. Having
tremendous amounts of data will not give you a competitive advantage over your
competitors but how effectively and quickly you analyze the data and extract
actionable information from it will. Time is the only solution to the problem
discussed above. Time will only decide which the above prediction will prevail
and which will become obscure.
Ms Saloni Kalra
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies