Monday, 23 April 2018

Big Data: Future Predictions

Big data is voluminous and complex data sets which are difficult to deal with traditional data-processing application software. There are five concepts associated with big data: volumevarietyvelocity and, the recently added, veracity and value. The challenges faced by big data include capturing datadata storagedata analysis, search, sharingtransfervisualizationquerying, updatinginformation privacy and data source.

The world's technological per-capita capacity to store information has increased exponentially to a level that cannot be easily understandable. Database management systems, statistics and software packages have been finding it difficult to manage big data. Human beings created voluminous data in past couple of years than in the entire history of human kind. Such an exponential increase in big data has taken the world by storm and there are no inferences of slowing down. And we have no idea what is coming in future?

With big data are coming many challenges related to privacy and security of data and what are the up gradations in the technology trends with the evolution of big data. There will be more demand for people who can deal with data, who are data scientists. Mechanization would increase and the jobs existing now will become obsolete, the jobs will revolve around handling of big data and ethical violations related to big data. Machine learning would be a top strategic trend. New and new ways would come up to handle and analyze data. There will be increase in demand of algorithms instead of software packages. There would be a shift in businesses in all terms: be it production, service, and the ways to handle data. More and more research would be conducted to develop analytical tools for handling of data. Businesses would be basically focusing on predictive analytics.

With the advancement in big data would come talent crunch and staffing function will be of great concern. There would be more demand of experts and scientists in data management. Businesses encompassing data will benefit in increase in productivity compared to the businesses not involving data. ‘Fast data’ and ‘actionable data’ will replace big data. The data analyzed from which some inferences can be drawn will be more relied upon to fasten the process of decision making. Total revenues from big data, big data analytics and tools related to the same will rise. Investments in big data technologies will touch the sky. The role of developers will also change. Their role would be in inventing technologies and applications that can play around with the big data.

What I see in the future is, big data is going to get bigger and bigger and businesses ignoring it will be left behind. Having tremendous amounts of data will not give you a competitive advantage over your competitors but how effectively and quickly you analyze the data and extract actionable information from it will. Time is the only solution to the problem discussed above. Time will only decide which the above prediction will prevail and which will become obscure.

Ms Saloni Kalra
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies

The role and status of Print journalism in Digital age

Print journalism in the age of digitization has changed radically from its own roots.  Once known for the exclusive and limited source of news provider for people across the world, newspapers today are facing greater rivalry or one can say competition from other form of mass media.  Print journalism, as part of mass media, has undergone reflective changes in the past two decades. The advent of digital technology and publication of news on the Internet has lead to this transformation. This has created a dangle in the using up of print media channels. These days’ people are increasingly consuming news through electronic devices like- smart phones, e-readers, and other devices, this result in a major challenge to news organizations to fully alter their digital wing, as well as to grip on the context in which they publish news in print.

The rapid technological changes, which the print media is adapting to endure, have brought about impactful changes in the modern media scenario. The ambush of technology is changing the dynamics of news delivery too. Newspapers, which used to be called as the medium for breaking news, have given up that role to television. And now, the internet is at a stage where it could take that responsibility over. Crudely, the new media ecosystem could look like this: the internet will break the news, TV will do follow ups go behind the news and live coverage and newspapers will end up doing detailed news analyses.

The digital shift can be witnessed on two important and relevant counts: publishing for digital and also publishing with digital.

 The first involves a shift towards using the digital application in the development of establishing and publishing news. The Workflow is administer by sophisticated  technological advancement in the content management systems, news piece that  contain multimedia and interactivity does require technical expertise, and the social media and  web are increasingly becoming a  source of primary and secondary information/news and views  for journalists. Best example can be twitter account

Second, consumption and distribution of news is increasingly being carried out on digital platforms, nurturing a culture of interdependence that impacts news providers in unanticipated and unexpected ways. These days, Newsrooms themselves are evolving to contain a diverse range of skill and expertise as the choice to prioritise their content as a digital products

At the same time, there is growing concern that journalism on the internet is failing to sustain the basic ethics and values of journalism and that Indian democracy is ever more at jeopardy due to the lack of quality news and information.

At the present moment, India, Indian society, Indian press is all in state of changeover. The development that Indian press is witnessing today is bound to gather power, while some others are bound to appear in the come around of speedy technological innovations and expansion

Ms. Garima Malhotra
Assistant Professor 
Department of Communication Studies

Monday, 16 April 2018

Digital Marketing trends for 2018
Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means that you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet. Digital marketing can work for any business in any industry. Regardless of what your company sells, digital marketing still involves building out buyer personas to identify your audience’s needs, and creating valuable online content.
Digital marketing -- in other words, any form of marketing that exists online.
And the best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each asset or tactic supports their overarching goals. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most common assets and tactics:

  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks and whitepapers
  • Infographics
  • Social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • Online brochures and lookbooks
  • Branding assets (logos, fonts, etc.)
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Pay-per-Click

Here are five examples of digital marketing done right:


Nestle India joined hands with project Nanhi Kali on Teachers' Day with the aim of providing primary education to underprivileged girl children in India. They launched a touching digital film and informative visual content to help build awareness for the cause. They also used Twitter's Periscope to live-stream an interaction with the girls of Nanhi Kali.


Britannia Good Day launched their campaign #SmileMoreForAGoodDay with Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone to spread the simple yet very important message of smiling more often. Good Day spread the word with the help of engaging visuals and social influencers who amplified the new brand philosophy in their own unique style.

#Kurkure Family Express

Kurkure launched India's first food train in its bid to bond with Indian families. The Kurkure Family Express hosted 40 families over an eight-day journey across India. Popular food enthusiasts Rocky and Mayur entertained the families, and the digital team traveling with the families created real-time content for their digital fans.


Dell India took up the strong initiative of eradicating rote learning from our education system by building awareness about its dangers. The brand celebrated 10th June, 2016 as Anti Rote Day with a micro portal, a digital film, and stunning visuals. They also ran engaging contests that invited users to share their own 'ratta stories'.


Godrej Security Solutions used humour in its content pieces on social media for the launch of India's first personal locker. The brand's digital team designed quirky content in the form of GIFs and visuals that showed compelling reasons to buy the locker.

 Top trends in digital marketing for this year will be:
  1. Mobile marketing rate will increase. Just several years ago no one could have imagined that mobile apps might become so popular. But that fact is - it has become! And what is more interesting it becomes more and more popular. Why is it so? Apps are easier and faster to use. Users can carry their phones with them but carrying computers and large gadgets is not convenient. They say, that the same ads work better on mobiles than on computers. So, the development of using mobiles is beneficial both for those marketers who create new apps and those who advertise their products/services via apps.
  2. Another marketing strategy that is becoming increasingly popular is social marketing. Various statistics show the growth in social media usage. And even without following any statistics, just only scrolling the timeline on popular social media such as FaceBook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and many others, one can see how thinks roll. Particularly for digital marketing.Videos are everywhere with some carrying direct CTA and ads and some others use videos for indirect advertising.
  3. One of the top modern trends is and will be video marketing. More and more people are going for “ data visualisation”. Just looking around one can easily notice that videos are everywhere. Particularly large is the usage of explainer videos. Most users and potential customers will prefer watching an explainer video to reading a whole article. And besides visualised products inspire more trust and emotions that anything else.

Ms. Smriti Dua
Assistant Professor
Dept of Management Studies

Robots to take over the forthcoming jobs

The terror that automation in the shape of robots or artificial intelligence is going to finish jobs is widespread. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to measure just how serious to take the threat. The different information offers different assessments of how many jobs will be lost, while legislators and economists argue that technology creates as many jobs as it destroys, maintaining evenness in employment over the long course.

But is this really true? A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research aims to add some solid numbers to the debate, looking at the historical effects of robots on employment in the US. Economists Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo studied the US labor market between 1990 and 2007, looking at employment rates in different areas and industries while controlling for the influence of factors like increased imports from China and the offshoring of jobs.

The technology was and is playing a fundamental role in helping humans work more commendable. Subsequently, automation has become a primary part of business operations. We can predict that robots are soon going to replace many jobs that are today performed by humans. Even the corporate world is also on the cusp of entering the robotic age, let’s sees what pros and cons this technology offers business world.

Now being in 2018, here’s how we assume robots to impact us in the future:-

  • The physical limitations of a human body can only be experienced when the usual components stop working. The future of robotics or AI to be specific focuses on the cyborg. Yes! That is a concept we are working towards where disability by the human body could be countered with robotics- a mechanized arm will have a whole other meaning!
  • Yet another hope for the human mankind, we can definitely expect robots in the nearby future to completely take over dangerous jobs with ease. Robots have already showcased extraordinary bomb-defusing skills in the past and the same mechanism is being introduced so that robots in the future can completely discharge human beings of the necessary ‘‘hazardous jobs’’.
  • An all-Inclusive caretaker that never complains is what robots will be to the human in the present days. Hollywood has already established how robots and human, after all, can maintain a harmonious relationship in this world and quite possibly in the near future- robots will definitely be a part and parcel of our life, taking over activities that human has become too busy for. This can include anything from child or old-age caring to errand running, home cleanup and more.

Although at this point, we can only make wonderful assumptions that we hope comes true- with the steadily advancing technology and AI improvement, robotics in the near future can accomplish much more than we could have ever imagined!

So we can conclude, Robotics could benefit us in more ways than you think. From a progressivity point of view, the advancement of technology will have a positive impact on our society. As technology advances and AI plays an increasingly large role in our lives, society will innovate simultaneously at a continuous pace. The same goes for our potential as humans. We will learn how to handle and manipulate digital technology, using it to its full potential. There will be a huge demand for individuals trained in statistics, computer programming, design and engineering. So actually, robotics will open up the opportunity for many jobs in the future, around 2 million to be more precise.

Ms. Sakshi Chhabra
Assistant Professor
Dept of Management Studies