Friday, 22 July 2016

Camera Lens

Photography has become the part and parcel of our lives. We cannot imagine our life without photography. There is nofield left which does not use photography. Weather its newspaper, advertising, fashion, medicine, industry, astronomy etc. photography is tend to stay there and with advent of Facebook, WhatsApp and other social networking media use of photography is increasing day by day. Whether we are at home or outside we tend to see so many photographs every day. The most common use of photography is to preserve memories. As memories fades away with time so we keep photographs of the special occasions or moments to preserve the memories we don’t want forget. But besides preserving memories photography is an important tool of communication. There is a very well-known saying about photography that “a picture is worth than thousand words” i.e. the message which cannot be communicated by a thousand word story can be easily communicated by a single photograph.

In simple words photography can be defined as capturing of moment with a device called camera. And in technical terms it can be defined as drawing with light or capturing light with the help of a device called camera. So photography is not possible in absence of camera. Camera is a light tight box with has a lens on one side and recording medium on the other side.

 Lens is the most important part of a camera, without a lens we cannot take a photograph. Also the type of a photograph depends upon the type of a lens. For example if u want click distant objects or want to focus on specific details of the subject then u will have a different kind of lens rather than when you want to shoot huge area. In this article we will talk about the photography lenses and their uses so that u can buy the appropriate lens for your camera.

Lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which transmits and refracts light, converging or diverging the beam.Camera lens is an assembly of lenses used in combination with camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media capable of storing an image chemically or electronically. A lens may be permanently fixed to a camera, or it may be interchangeable with lenses of different focal lengths, apertures, and other properties.

A lens is categorized by its focal length. Focal length of a lens is defined as the distance from the optical center of a lens to the focal point (sensor) when the lens is focused on an object at infinity. It's a primary physical characteristic of a lens which can be measured in an optical lab. It remains the same no matter what camera the lens is mounted on.

Focal length determines the angle of view or how much area of a scene the lens sees. Wide angle lenses have short focal lengths, while telephoto lenses have longer corresponding focal lengths.. Angle of View refers to the amount of a scene a photograph captures and can be measured vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Angle of view is also known field of view, angle of view changes given the type of lens a photographer uses to take a picture.

There are the various types of lenses one should know before buying a camera lens.

Prime lens
A prime lens, also known as a fixed lens, has a fixed focal length such as 18mm, 50mm, 105mm, or 200mm. A fixed-focal length camera lens is a permanent, non- adjustable lens. Prime lenses often have wider maximumapertures, making them faster. Wider apertures allow forbrighter images in low-light situations, as well as greatercontrol over depth of field.These lenses are primarily used by portrait photographers.

Zoom lens
A zoom lens has the mechanical capacity to change its focal length. It magnifies the subject. A zoom lens is very convenient, because many zoom lenses can change their focal lengths from wide-angle to standard and from standard to zoom. This eliminates the need to carry and change multiple lenses while shooting a subject or project.

Telephoto Lens
A telephoto lens is a long focal length. This type of lens is used for distant objects. This lens brings the subject closer. It reduces the distance between the subject and camera especially when you cannot go close to your subject. This lens is specially used in wildlife photography.

Wide-Angle Lens
A wide-angle lens is a short focal length lens and covers a wide area.  Wide-angle lenses are typically used for the subject is in the extreme foreground and the photographer wants the background in focus as well. Wide-angle lenses are thus ideal for photographing buildings, landscapes, interiors, and street photography. A photographer should not use a wide-angle lens if he wants to focus in on the details of a single, distinct subject.

Macro Lens
Macro lenses are lenses typically optimized to focus sharply on a relatively small area, usually used for close-Macro lenses or lenses with a macro mode are used for close up photography of insects or flowers. "Macro" lenses specifically designed for close-up work, with a long barrel for close focusing and optimized for high reproduction ratios, are one of the most common tools for macro photography.

Fish-eye lenses are at the fringe of wide angle lenses and offer a distorted perspective of the scene so that objects are magnified in the center and diminish in size and clarity in all directions in proportion to the lens' shape. Their angle of view is typically a full 180% but some fisheye lenses produce an even greater field of view (as much as 220 degrees in some cases).

These are the various types of lenses one can buy for your camera on the basis of his/her requirement. 

Ms. Sanyogita Chaoudhary
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Sixth Sense Technology

Human beings have evolved over many decades to sense the world around them. When we come across something, someone or some place, we generally use our five natural senses to comprehend information about it; that information helps us to make decisions and choose the right action to take.

Nevertheless, the most useful information that guides us to make the right decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the data, information and knowledge that have been gathered about everything and which is easily available online.

Information until few last years was limited to paper or digitally on screen. Sixth sense technology bridges this gap, putting intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and permitting the users to interact with this information via natural hand gestures.

Sixth sense technology enables the information to be free from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality. Basically Sixth sense is a “gesture based” device that is wearable and connects the physical world with digital information and allows people to use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.

The concept of augmented reality and its smooth implementation on the perceptions are the basic working principle of Sixth sense technology. The amazing Sixth sense technology is a combination of many predefined exquisite technology. The marvelous integration of all the technologies is one of the features that make the Sixth sense technology magnificent and its presentation into a single product which is portable and highly economical. It includes technologies like hand gestures, image capturing, processing and manipulation. It super imposes the digital world onto the real world.

The Sixth sense technology functions as a gateway or in better terms an interface between the digital world and the real world. The Sixth sense device which was invented by PranavMistry at MIT Media Lab was coined the name WuW(Wear Your World) and it is believes to be the prototype of next level of digital to real world transaction.

Multiuser interaction is one of the features that have been added to Sixth sense devices.  With the help of this feature the user can interact with systems by using more than one finger at a time. Sixth sense devices also incorporate Multi user functionality. This is typically useful for large interaction scenarios such as table tops and walls.

With the use of Sixth sense technology online information and technology can be incorporated into everyday life in a seamless manner. By providing already obtained information required for decision making beyond what we have access to with our natural five senses, it effectively gives users a sixth sense.

Advantages of Sixth sense technology:

  •  Portability—The major advantage of sixth sense devices is its small size and its portability. The device can be easily carried around without any difficulty. All of the Sixth sense devices are light in weight and the smart phones cans easily be accommodated to fit in to the user’s pocket.
  • Cost Effectiveness—One of the good feature of Sixth sense devices is that they are very economic. The cost required for the construction of the device is very low. It was manufactured from various parts collected together from common devices.. Commonly, a Sixth sense device might cost up to $300.
  •  Accessibility of Data from machines in real time—The Sixth sense device helps the user to easily access data from any machine at real time speed. The user now does not need any machine human interface to access the data. The accessibility of data via recognition of hand gestures is much easier and user friendly as compared to the text user interface or graphical user interface which requires keyboard or mouse.
  • Open Source Software—The software that would be required to interpret and analyze the data collected by the device is supposed to be made open source as claimed by its inventor. This will enable other developers to contribute to the development of the system.
Ms. Priyanka Gupta
Assistant Professor
Deptt. of Information Technology 

Mapping into the stream of Journalism and mass communication

Today, the world is witnessing an extraordinary and unparalleled burst in communication technology and media. All limitations have been surpassed, and the entire global community looks to have brought closer and together into one whole integrated entity.This has become one of the reasons that mass-communication and journalism, as a field of study, and as a career, becomes so enviable and central. Journalism and mass communication field is considered to be the root of all other forms of power to educate, express and share with people in the existing society.

Mass communication is a contemporary reality and the media it uses covers all aspects of human life. Career prospect in Mass Communication and journalism is a great deal of job satisfaction and expression of creativity for the people associated with this stream.

Presently, Mass communication and Journalism is one of the attractive careers for young people looking for creative opportunities in their lives. This stream definitely  empower one to have a say in front of a national and international audience, it is also considered as  one of the four pillars of our democracy which in return gives a lot of supremacy to influence ideas and opinion in the public space. This is true that profession in media is competing and challenging job but it is also measured as one of the most versatile fields in the job market. As this field enables to brings newness every hour, every minute and every second of the day.

 Today, youngsters are fast inclined and tempted by the plentiful development and rewarding opportunities given and acknowledged in media. Newspaper, magazines, TV, Radio, cinema, and web world are the important streams of media. These medium of communication is been tuned up by so many people for latest updates and news. Indeed, Media plays a vital role in spreading, sharing and exchanging information about the recent events, incidents happen in the region and around the world. Journalism and mass communication field in India has a very vital role to play. India is considered world's biggest democracy and therefore unrestricted and vibrant media is an essential organ of any democracy.

With the advent of online media and privatization of media, the mass communication and journalism world has gone through a complete makeover.The face of journalism has shaped differently with the emergence of social media. The Websites such as twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In are turning out to be an important forum of news sources for many of their followers.These online forums are able to secure the most sought after jobs in social media for young aspirations who are looking to make their career in social media. Even professional blogging, web design, multimedia design, or social media management can be other opportunities for the young people to do something different from mainstream journalism and mass communication.

However, with technology playing bigger role in our lives, all professions related to journalism and mass communication require capable people who should work fast and can efficiently send across the information to a whole range of audience. Even though with the multiplying of blogs, it is commonly claimed that ‘anyone’ can become a journalist, a near reexamination of reality verifies that only those with expert training make the grade and turn out better than the rest in this field.

Career prospects in mass communication and journalism is likely to grow as not less than 50 more  news channels are expected to  come up in next five years. Due to increasing number of mass media, the news and entertainment job opportunities are abundant for trained professionals in various roles - particularly in journalism.

Like any career option, mass communication too has positive features as well as a dismissive side too. A career in mass communication requires commitment, dedication and detriment of private time for the sake of staying on day and night, top or front,and particularly in TV news industry. As journalist may have to work day in and day out to get breaking news.

In the present juncture, mass communication as a career provides job fulfillment, name and fame and an experiment to live with.

Ms. Garima Malhotra
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies

India towards Facebook

From the past 10 years we are witnessing the growth of internet which has revolutionized the world, it changed the point of view of business people, and it also changed the social point of view like how can you approach different unknown people across the globe? Social networking is a term that provides us the new meaning like how we can interact between groups or person through which they can share video, audio and other information and sometimes discussion led to some amazing ideas over the internet and in virtual communities. In India social networking users are increasing drastically. In the year 2010 Facebook has ranked number one in India in social networking websites visited by approx. 20.9 million visitors in July 2010. 

In today’s era every group of people are trying to connect with online social network with different purposes but the impact of social networks on young people is significant. However, one of the major concerns that observed by the researcher is the changing mind-set or approach of the youth due to the social networking sites. When using these sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, there is both positive and negative impact on the youth. After invention of Facebook it has received the amazing user response and after 13 years Facebook is still increasing the number of Facebook user drastically. The main reason of having the billions of user and still counting across the world could be an option provided by Facebook like it provides the security for every user profile, comment on post,  online chatting , audio/video calling , Etc. and the most appreciable thing offer by Facebook is the facility for customization of our profile and controls.

In India the number of Facebook users are increasing at a very high rate like according to a Facebook's statement as on December 31, 2012, it has 1.06 billion monthly active users (MAUs) worldwide including 71 million in India and in the next year Facebook has 82 million monthly active users (MAUs) in India for the quarter ending June 31, 2013, reports PTI (via The Times Of India) citing Facebook India’s Country Growth Manager Kevin D’Souza.In 2014 the increasing rate was too high, according to WASHINGTON, DC: Facebook has hit a remarkable growth by registering 100 million active users in India, with this India become the second largest user base after the US.“In India, Facebook has 125 million average users (MAU). On a daily basis, 59 million users in India are accessing Facebook and 53 million are accessing us from their mobile phones,” Facebook head of Products (Facebook Lite) Vijay Shankar told PTI.

Further various companies are guessing that Facebook has greatest number of users till 2017. If we consider the growth of Facebook users in India according to age group, in 2014 approx. 71% Facebook user covered under 19 to 35 years age group but most surprisingly the people having age more than 35 years are also increasing at very rapid rate. Why this drastic growth is on in India towards Facebook? Firstly according to age group greatest Facebook users are youth and in India mobile users are increasing drastically and as a result they are accessing Facebook or creating new Facebook accounts.India will have the largest mobile phone userbase till the year 2017 that will be 145.9 million user and on the other side US will have 138.8 million till year 2017. Secondly Facebook is amazing platform for new business startups and for existing business expansion since India is a developing country so such type of practice is very high. Now a day’s everyone wants to add popularity to his/her business and digital marketing on Facebook provides that chance. Thirdly social networking websites like Facebook provides the opportunities for users their career irrespective of user’s experience and seniority, they can also create common discipline groups and having the fruitful discussions. Social networking becomes the essential part of today’s youth and it makes their lives easier and efficient. Fourthly other than youth every age group is trying to learn Facebook access and take the advantage of this platform.

Mr. Pramod Kumar Pandey
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management Studies

TV News Channel: A Catalyst?.......or an Fourth Estate of Society

TELEVISION NEWS media is one of the most important catalysts that has an invariably important role to play in shaping up public opinions, sentiments, and dogmas by promulgating accurate and desirable information and knowledge. Due to its vast intrusion in public life, it has the power of creating an enduring impact on society and culture of a region. Today, TV news channels in India are facing a qualitative crisis pertaining to disseminated content in the package of news.It seems as if the news channels in India have charted out their own respective doctrines and present anything as news and serve it to their audience, which leads to a shift from ethical issues of journalism. The orthodox news contents find themselves in trash and a stinking combination of sex, stings, gossips, super naturals, crime and reality show reports hold the centre stage. Stories of real life, and real heroes of national interest are relegated to the lower ranks.News channels have adopted a policy of corporate culture and have metamorphosed themselves towards ’packaging’ of information wherein their basic motto has become that of entertaining and earning Television Rating Points (TRP) rather than disseminating information. With umpteen number of news channels mushrooming, your thirst for what you call ’news’ would still not be satiated. The quality and authenticity of news have deteriorated, and the news channels are into the business of raking in moolah (money) at any cost.Indian electronic media has been presenting news in an irresponsible manner sensitizing crucial events without realizing and understanding the impact and implications on the society. For instance, what happened in Aarushi murder case is an evidence of media’s irresponsibility of character assassination. The channels have put on the mantle of self proclaimed investigating agencies, and this characteristic of sensitive journalism has compelled the judicial machinery and ministries to come out with a set of regulations for this kind of investigative reporting.

The trend of sting operations has been taken up by almost every channel with an eye towards enhancing channel’s TRPs. A channel even went on to the extent of staging and fabricating a sting operation wherein a lady school teacher from a Delhi girls school found herself in soup for her alleged involvement in trafficking of girl students of her school! The sting operations have dared to intrude the private lives in their rat race of sensitizing news and attracting viewers. This has enforced the news channels into crime and sex shows that are very erratic.In the last few days, taking a peek at news contents, one could find that the cold war between Amitabh Bachchan and Shatrughna Sinha and Amitabh’s visit to his school – Sherwood have garnered ample coverage giving the impression that there is nothing else important in the country. Likewise, the likes of Rakhi Sawant and Mallika Sherawatalways find strong coverage on news channels for futile reasons.

When you get up early in the morning to brush up with current affairs, you are likely to have a rendezvous with supernatural offerings and horoscope readings by the so called pundits or in other words ’babas’ on almost every channel. These babadom and horoscope solutions are just played for cheap publicity and to play with sentiments and beliefs of the masses.

Shockingly, the news channels take eternal pride in glamorizing crime and criminal world, and depict the out caricatures of criminals as larger than life heroes. The time slot around 11 in the night is booked for crime news in programmes namely – Sansani, Vaardaat, Crime reporter, Crime file, etc. Throughout the day, the channels come out with seductive endorsement of the contents to be telecast during such episodes, giving an impression that if you miss you will miss the train of your life. Add to this, the presenters of such shows who come out wit Shahenshah like image would terrorise you more with their animated articulations. Another trend in vogue nowadays are the laughter shows, wherein the channels lifts clips from various comedy shows running on various entertainment channels and serves as news items. As if the recurrent repeat telecast by the respective entertainment channels was not enough that the news channels have plunged into the business of making people laugh.

It is quite acceptable to have a refreshing dose of entertainment amidst real serious business of news watching to break free from boredom, which may feel as a refreshing breeze, but here Ganges is flowing in the opposite direction. If you get bored of being entertained on news channels, you may be offered, in mercy, a small dose of news to your desire.

It is high time that TV news channels in India observe a degree of reticence and carefully zero in on the contents that deem necessary preference and at the same time figuring out those contents that should be weeded out. They need to take a firm holding on the essence and demand of journalism rather than becoming a bane for one of the strongest pillars of democracy. 

Mr. Anish Saxena
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies

TV News Channel: A Catalyst?.......or an Fourth Estate of Society

TELEVISION NEWS media is one of the most important catalysts that has an invariably important role to play in shaping up public opinions, sentiments, and dogmas by promulgating accurate and desirable information and knowledge. Due to its vast intrusion in public life, it has the power of creating an enduring impact on society and culture of a region. Today, TV news channels in India are facing a qualitative crisis pertaining to disseminated content in the package of news.It seems as if the news channels in India have charted out their own respective doctrines and present anything as news and serve it to their audience, which leads to a shift from ethical issues of journalism. The orthodox news contents find themselves in trash and a stinking combination of sex, stings, gossips, super naturals, crime and reality show reports hold the centre stage. Stories of real life, and real heroes of national interest are relegated to the lower ranks.News channels have adopted a policy of corporate culture and have metamorphosed themselves towards ’packaging’ of information wherein their basic motto has become that of entertaining and earning Television Rating Points (TRP) rather than disseminating information. With umpteen number of news channels mushrooming, your thirst for what you call ’news’ would still not be satiated. The quality and authenticity of news have deteriorated, and the news channels are into the business of raking in moolah (money) at any cost.Indian electronic media has been presenting news in an irresponsible manner sensitizing crucial events without realizing and understanding the impact and implications on the society. For instance, what happened in Aarushi murder case is an evidence of media’s irresponsibility of character assassination. The channels have put on the mantle of self proclaimed investigating agencies, and this characteristic of sensitive journalism has compelled the judicial machinery and ministries to come out with a set of regulations for this kind of investigative reporting.

The trend of sting operations has been taken up by almost every channel with an eye towards enhancing channel’s TRPs. A channel even went on to the extent of staging and fabricating a sting operation wherein a lady school teacher from a Delhi girls school found herself in soup for her alleged involvement in trafficking of girl students of her school! The sting operations have dared to intrude the private lives in their rat race of sensitizing news and attracting viewers. This has enforced the news channels into crime and sex shows that are very erratic.In the last few days, taking a peek at news contents, one could find that the cold war between Amitabh Bachchan and Shatrughna Sinha and Amitabh’s visit to his school – Sherwood have garnered ample coverage giving the impression that there is nothing else important in the country. Likewise, the likes of Rakhi Sawant and Mallika Sherawatalways find strong coverage on news channels for futile reasons.

When you get up early in the morning to brush up with current affairs, you are likely to have a rendezvous with supernatural offerings and horoscope readings by the so called pundits or in other words ’babas’ on almost every channel. These babadom and horoscope solutions are just played for cheap publicity and to play with sentiments and beliefs of the masses.

Shockingly, the news channels take eternal pride in glamorizing crime and criminal world, and depict the out caricatures of criminals as larger than life heroes. The time slot around 11 in the night is booked for crime news in programmes namely – Sansani, Vaardaat, Crime reporter, Crime file, etc. Throughout the day, the channels come out with seductive endorsement of the contents to be telecast during such episodes, giving an impression that if you miss you will miss the train of your life. Add to this, the presenters of such shows who come out wit Shahenshah like image would terrorise you more with their animated articulations. Another trend in vogue nowadays are the laughter shows, wherein the channels lifts clips from various comedy shows running on various entertainment channels and serves as news items. As if the recurrent repeat telecast by the respective entertainment channels was not enough that the news channels have plunged into the business of making people laugh.

It is quite acceptable to have a refreshing dose of entertainment amidst real serious business of news watching to break free from boredom, which may feel as a refreshing breeze, but here Ganges is flowing in the opposite direction. If you get bored of being entertained on news channels, you may be offered, in mercy, a small dose of news to your desire.

It is high time that TV news channels in India observe a degree of reticence and carefully zero in on the contents that deem necessary preference and at the same time figuring out those contents that should be weeded out. They need to take a firm holding on the essence and demand of journalism rather than becoming a bane for one of the strongest pillars of democracy. 

Mr. Anish Saxena
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies


Sunday, 10 July 2016

Career in IT Sector

Information technology is quite promising field in present scenario. IT sector is full of opportunities, specially when India has given a number of talented computer professionals to the world renowned computer companies. In India also, various IT companies are hiring large number of computer professionals. To become computer professional, one should have either BTech or BCA/ MCA degree. Various short term certification and diploma courses are also there, after graduation students can also opt for M.E/ M. Tech in computer science for further specialization. There are various job profiles in IT sector such as software engineer, system administration or hardware engineer.

Fresh graduates from engineering colleges get job offers from MNC IT companies. Apart from MNC IT graduates can get jobs in non IT sector also like universities, research, government departments, manufacturing sector and business organizations.

As there is boom in e-commerce, it has opened a number of doors to web developers and mobile application developer. One can also set up his own small scale IT business by developing small mobile applications.

Other areas in which an IT graduate can get job are animation and graphics design, software testing and cyber security.

The bottom line of all is that computer science continues to be a great choice of major of students, depending upon the caliber of student, there are number of opportunities in this sector.

Ms. Nisha Wadhawan
Assistant Professor
Deptt. of Management Studies

Spirituality in Education

A student is inquisitive of asking many questions such as what am I going to do, what is the right path, how am I going to succeed etc.Also students now a days are in a state of imbalance between their internal and external aspects of lives, which ideally for a student is important to maintain; As per Lord Krishna’s lesson in Bhagwad Gita there exists a core relation between samskara (unconscious/internal) and Prakriti (conscious/external). A balance of the two leads to action that is karma ,which can be good or bad and this is the derivative of the attributes of an individual’s Samskara and Prakriti. In higher education in my view adding spiritual education as a small module would support the students towards their attitude building of exploring their commitment and identity of one’s life. Besides it would be a guidance for the development of students characters such character of ethic of caring, being compassionate, lead to charitable involvements, developing an attitude of social concern and also an emergence of knowledge and thoughtfulness to take effective decisions related to their education and career. As per my assessment I feel that there exists a positive association between spirituality and physical and mental well being, and this relationship has to be balanced by all of us especially among students as they have a strong inclination towards high ambitions especially in their aspirations of educational and occupational success. Besides the teachers mentoring for academics a spiritual guidance can help the students realize their goals.

Ms. Manisha Gupta
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Studies